ShelterPoint Life Insurance – Formerly First Rehab Life 1972 Located at
1225 Franklin Avenue, Ste. 475, Garden City, NY.
Phone: 516-82908100

Enrollment Maintenance Policyholder Registration

As the employer, you can manage the following products from this portal: Vision, Medical Gap, 24-Hour Accident, Short-Term Disability, Excess Major Medical, Benepaks, Nurse HelpLine, EAP.

Please enter the following information to create an online account:

Email from Application:   
If you dont have the email used on your Group's original Application, please contact your broker to make enrollment changes on your behalf.

Employer First Name:   Policy Number:      

Employer Last Name:   Federal ID Number:  

Confirm Password:  
Your password must be 8-12 characters in length and contain at least 1:
• uppercase letter
• lowercase letter
• number
• special character ($@!%*?&#^)

For questions about your group policy, please contact