ShelterPoint Life Insurance – Formerly First Rehab Life 1972 Located at
1225 Franklin Avenue, Ste. 475, Garden City, NY.
Phone: 516-82908100


1. What does TDB cover?

Benefits are paid for nonwork-related (off-the-job) illnesses or injuries.

2. How much will I get?

  • You receive 66.66% of your average weekly salary to a maximum weekly benefit determined annually by the New Jersey Department of Labor.
  • Benefits begin on the 8th day of illness or injury and are paid for a maximum of 26 weeks per disability.
  • After 3 consecutive weeks of disability, the 7-day waiting period is compensable.

3. How do I know if I’m covered under a TDB plan?

State Plan coverage is automatically provided to employees who work in New Jersey for a New Jersey covered employer. Your employer may choose to replace their State Plan with a Private Plan. You can ask your employer which Plan you are covered under.

4. I live in NY and work in NJ. Would I receive DBL or TDB benefits?

If eligible, you would receive TDB benefits. Coverage available to individuals is based on where they work – not where they live or where their employer is headquartered.

5. Our company has a Private Plan. Do I use the NJ State claim form, or does the private carrier provide their own form?

You can use the official NJ State claim form or your private carrier’s claim form, if they have one.

6. I exhausted my benefits under the Private Plan, but I’m still disabled. Can I collect State Plan benefits now?

No. If your employer has a Private Plan replacing the State Plan, you are not covered by the State Plan. Therefore, you cannot be paid State Plan benefits. If you continue to be disabled, you might be eligible for Long-Term Disability benefits, if you are covered by an LTD policy. You may also contact your local Social Security office about Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) benefits.

7. Can I appeal if I disagree with a claim decision by a Private Plan?

Yes, you can file an appeal with the Division of Temporary Disability Insurance:
Division of Temporary Disability Insurance
Private Plan Operations
Claims Review Unit
PO Box 957
Trenton, NJ 08625-0957
Telephone: (609) 292-7060
Fax: (609) 292-2537

8. I accidentally mailed my claim to the State Plan’s office. What should I do?

You don’t need to do anything. The Temporary Disability Insurance Office will forward your claim to the correct carrier.

9. How do I submit a claim?

  • E-mail:
  • Fax: 516-504-6414
  • Mail: TDB Claims • ShelterPoint Life • 1225 Franklin Avenue, Ste. 475, Garden City, NY 11530