ShelterPoint Life Insurance – Formerly First Rehab Life 1972 Located at
1225 Franklin Avenue, Ste. 475, Garden City, NY.
Phone: 516-82908100

Vision Claim Guides

We are currently issuing updated Vision Policies which include a Network option. Please speak with your Human Resources Department to find out when your policy will be updated.

1. How often can I use my benefits?

Since the benefit year is based on your last date of service, you can use your benefits once every 12 months from the last date of service.

  • Preventive eye health examination benefits are available once every 12 months.
  • Lenses/frames or contact lenses are covered once every 12 months.

2. How do I find a participating provider?

Our policy with network option offers you the freedom to visit the Vision Care provider of your choice, but your out-of-pocket expenses may be reduced significantly when choosing an NVA (National Vision Administrators, L.L.C.) network provider.

If you choose to take advantage of the network savings, you can locate NVA Vision network providers on their website:

3. How do I submit a claim?

In-network benefits:

No claim forms are needed if you choose an NVA network provider. Simply provide the office with the member ID number and/or name and date of birth of any covered dependent needing services. The provider’s office will verify your eligibility for services. NVA providers do not require ID cards. However after registering, ID cards will be available for print at

Out-of-network benefits:

You have the freedom to choose any licensed eye care provider. If an out-of-network provider is chosen, you will be responsible for 100% of the cost at the time of service and then submit a claim for reimbursement either online at or by mail to our dedicated Vision Claim Administrator:

Attn: ShelterPoint Life
P.O. Box 2187
Clifton, NJ 07015

Download the claim form

Call the dedicated member service line at: 877-241-7124
24/7/365 - any question, any time

4. How can I check the status of my claim?

Visit the member portal at:
Call the dedicated toll-free member services telephone number: 877-241-7124

1. How often can I use my benefits?

We know most people see their optometrist more than once every 2 years. Therefore, our Vision plan provides benefits every policy year:

  • Lenses/frames or contact lenses are covered every policy year.
  • You get allowances for preventive vision care examinations every policy year.

2. How do I find a participating provider?

Our Vision plan doesn’t restrict you to a network! No need to search through provider directories, you simply use the vision care provider of your choice.

3. I am covered under Plan D, which pays "80% of R&C". What is R&C?

R&C stands for Reasonable and Customary Allowance. It is the lowest of:

  1. the amount charged by the vision care provider;
  2. the usual charge by the vision care provider for the same or similar services; or
  3. the usual charge by other vision care providers in the same geographic area for the same or similar services.

4. How do I submit a claim?

If you need additional assistance on how to submit your claim, please speak to your Human Resource department for instructions

Send your completed claim form with documentation to:

Current Claims Administration
Fax: 516.829.8213
Mail: Vision Claims
Attn: ShelterPoint Life
1225 Franklin Avenue, Ste. 475
Garden City, NY 11530

Download the claim form

New Claims Administration
Tel: 877-241-7124
Mail: NVA
Attn: ShelterPoint Life
P.O.Box 2187
Clifton, NJ 07015

Download the claim form

5. How can I check the status of my claim?

Simply register and log in here to check the status of your claim 24/7. You can also view your claims history and download an EOB.